PE38 Sessions 個体群生態学会38回大会 企画・公募セッション


  1. S-1 「COVID-19の個体群生態学:疫学と個体群管理の共通点と相違点」 (講演予定者)
  2. S-2 「保全・管理における将来予測の活用法と将来展望」
  3. S-3 「多様な要素の集合により生じる非相加的な効果にもとづく生態学の新たな展開」
  4. S-4 「行列モデルの応用:理論的研究の新展開」
  5. S-5 「家系生態学:ゲノム情報から近年の生態情報を抽出する新しいアプローチ」(講演予定者)
講演予定者:1. 梯正之(広島大)2. 渡邉聡(横浜国大)3. 高須夫悟(奈良女子大)、4. 中澤港(神戸大)
「Population ecology for Covid-19:Similarities and differences between epidemiology and population management」
Abstract:The SIR model played an important role in the COVID-19 measures, with policy recommendations such as indexation of the effective reproduction number and 80% restriction of behavior. This is a central issue in population ecology and has much in common characteristics with fisheries management, wildlife management and invasive species management. In these areas, cost-effectiveness and the relationship between science and policy are important. However, there are also differences in the methods and actual role of scientists between these fields. This symposium will discuss the similarities and differences with other fields, focusing on the case of the COVID-19 measures.
Organizer:Hiroyuki Matsuda(Yokohama National University )

企画責任者:西嶋翔太(水産研究・教育機構 水産資源研究所)
「Future prediction in conservation and management: its usages and future prospects」
Abstract:Future predictions of species distributions and abundances are an important challenge in biodiversity conservation and wildlife management. In this symposium, researchers will talk about topics of future predictions, including improvements of prediction skill and their usages and prospects, in terms of conservation, management, fisheries, and community ecology.
Organizer:Shota Nishijima(Fisheries Research and Education Organization Fisheries Resources Laboratory)

「Non-additive emergent effects and their importance in ecology」
Abstract:The dynamics of systems such as communities, populations, and colonies are nonlinear phenomena that cannot be predicted by the sum of their components/elements, such as species and individuals. However, we know little about how the collection of components shows emergent (both synergic and anergic) effects in a system. This symposium will focus on effects derived from four components: species, conspecific individuals, castes, and sexes. We will discuss the importance of non-additive emergent effects in ecological dynamics and their genetics.
Organizer:Takahisa Ueno(Chiba University Graduate School of Interdisciplinary Science and Engineering)

企画責任者:高田 壮則・リチャード シェファーソン (北海道大学・東京大学)
「Application of matrix models: New perspective of theoretical studies」
Abstract:The history of basic theory in population matrix models starts with Lotka’s study at the beginning of 20th century. Although the theoretical development of matrix models over the last century has been marvelous, many new theoretical studies, statistical tools, new methods of application and theories for theoretical development regularly appear. We present three new topics on theoretical studies in our symposium.
Organizer:Takenori Takada & Richard Shefferson(Hokkaido University, The University of Tokyo)

趣旨:ゲノム解析技術の発展に伴い、ゲノム情報からサンプル個体間の近親関係を推定することが容易になってきた。そこで見出される親子ペアや(半)兄弟ペアの数には、生活史戦略に関わるパラメータやセンサスサイズ、直近年の有効集団サイズに関する情報が含まれることが理論的に知られている。本シンポジウムでは、近親判別ソフトウェア「Colony」の作者であり理論集団遺伝学の大家であるJinliang Wang博士を招き、保全や管理といった応用の現場でどのように利用されているのかを紹介し、その有効性や可能性について議論したい。
講演予定者:1.秋田鉄也(水産機構・資源研)、2. Jinliang Wang (Zoological Society of London) 、3. 水野ひなの(京都大・海洋資源)、4. 野田祥平(京都大・生態研)、5. 塚原洋平(水産機構・資源研)
Ecological inference based on kinship assignment: a new approach to obtain contemporary information from genetic data
Recent advances in genetic methods have provided the opportunity to determine kinship relationships among individuals. In addition, it is theoretically known that kinship pairs found within sample contain information of adult population size, effective size, and life-history parameters. In this session, we will introduce how kinship relationships are used in applications such as conservation and management and discuss its effectiveness and potential with Dr. Jinliang Wang, the developer of kinship determination software "Colony", which is one of the most popular software used in Ecology.
Organizer: Tetsuya Akita (Fisheries Research and Education Organization Fisheries Resources Laboratory)


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