Ecological Risk Management (Visit Springer official site if you like to buy!)

Edited by Hiroyuki Matsuda

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Contents (Draft)

  1. Introduction: What Is Risk Science?
  2. How to determine the Relief target for Minamata disease.
  3. Risk of radioactive contamination caused by the Accident of Fukushima Daiichi Nuclear Power Plant
  4. How to evaluate ecological risks in trace metals in environment
  5. Impact of reactive nitrogen and nitrogen footprint
  6. adaptive risk management of new coronavirus diesease
  7. How to convince purse seiners for sustainable fisheries
  8. Why is the tuna listed in the threatened species and still sold in the market?
  9. Redlist of Japanese vascular plants and environmental impact assessment
  10. adaptive risk management of sika deer
  11. Risk of avian collisions in wind turbines
  12. Resource economics of exotic mongoose control
  13. Beyond dichotomy in the protection and management of marine mammals
  14. Management of human-bear conflict
  15. Effects of dams on ecological risk of inland fishes
  16. Marine co-management plan of Shiretoko World Heritage site
  17. Guideline for ecological risk management procedure
  18. Multi-species fisheries management

Supplementary materials

Excel file for Chapters 7, 8, 11 xlsx

Excel file for Figure 7-4 xlsm

If you find any typo or erratum, please let the editor know.

Index (draft)

Alternative English Chapter
abandoned mine 3
accountability 14
acute toxicity 2
adaptation measures 16
adaptive learning 9
adaptive management 9
age structure 6
AIC Akaike's Information Criterion 9
Alee effect 11
Alien Species Act 11
allometry 7
ABC allowable biological catch 6
annual survival rate 6
aquaculture 4
AOO area of occupancy 7
Arrow's paradox 7
AEZ artisan exclusive zone 15
ALARA as low as reasonablly achievable 14
autocorrelation 7
average longevity 14
avian collision risk 10
avoidance 10
bacteria 4
ballast water 11
ban on hunting 9
basic procedure of ecological risk management 16
Bayesian estimation 9
bear management 13
benthic macroinvertebrate assemblages 3
bet hedging 7
biodiversity 1
bioeconomics 11
bistable 16
black bears 13
bottom up approach 12
BIE Bureau of International Expositions 8
bushmeat 12
business 1
business risk 10
bycatch 12
cancer 1
capture fisheries 6
catch and eat 11
CPUE catch per unit effort 11
catchability 11
Charlie Brown Syndrome 16
chronic toxicity 3
chub mackerel 6
climate change 16
co-management 15
CCSBT Commission for the Conservation of Southern Bluefin Tuna 1
compensation 15
confidence interval 9
confidence of scientific evidence 10
conflict risk 13
consensus building 16
Conservation and Management Plan for Sika Deer 9
conservation ecology 14
constant escapement strategy 17
constrained optimization 7
CVM contingent valuation method 5
Convention on Biological Diversity 1
CITES Convention on International Trade in Endangered Species of Wild Fauna and Flora 12
coral reef 8
cost-effective analysis 5
credible interval 9
critically endangered 7
cull limit 12
cultural service 1
dam 14
damage on fisheries 12
damage to agriculture 13
DDT Dichloro Diphengl Trichloroephane 2
death 1
decentralization 16
decision making 16
demographic stochasticity 8
density effect 6
density-dependent dispersal 9
diffusion coefficient 9
disaster 1
dose-response curve 2
ecological risk 1
EBSA ecologically and biodiversity significant area 16
economic discounting 6
economics of exotic species control 11
ecosystem approach 17
ecosystem management 17
ecosystem process 17
ecosystem service 1
EbFM ecosystem-based fisheries management 17
ecotoxicology 2
effluent standard 3
eigenvalue 14
eigenvector 14
endangered 7
Endangered Species Act 12
Endangered Species Act 11
endocrine disrupter 2
endpoint 1
EIA environmental impact assessment 8
environmental risk 1
environmental standard 3
environmental stochasticity 12
epidemic model 5
equipment usage rate 10
eradication of exotic species 11
eutrophic state 16
evolution 11
ESU evolutionarily significant unit 12
EEZ exclusive economic zone 6
exotic species 11
expected loss of biodiversity 8
expert judgment 8
exposure level 2
extent of occurrence 12
extinction risk 7
extrapolation 2
fake density dependence 6
false-catch 13
feasibility 16
feedback control 9
field verification 3
fish-breeding forest 15
FCA fisheries cooperative association 15
fishing coefficient 6
fishing down 7
food chain 11
food web 15
Foreign Exchange and Foreign Trade Act 11
forest resource 16
fossil fuel 10
free trade 12
fuel revolution 8
game hunting 9
game theory 16
garbage kills bears 13
GLMM generalized linear mixed model 9
generation length 7
genetic diversity 8
GMO genetically modified organism 1
GIS geographic information system 10
GBO Global Biodiversity Outlook 11
global fisheries resource collapse hypothesis 7
global warming 10
GHG green house gas 16
growth overfishing 7
habitat 8
harvest value 7
hazard 1
HC5 hazardous concentration for 5% of species 3
heavy metal 2
heterogeneity 8
high risk group 2
human health risk 1
human-bear conflict 13
human-wildlife conflict 12
immature fish 6
implementation error 9
imposex 2
incidence rate 13
indeterminancy 17
indeterminant growth 7
index of Ephemeroptera, Plecoptera and Trichoptera 3
Indian mongoose 11
ILK indigenous and local knowledge 16
indirect emission 10
individual level assessment 3
IQ individual quota 6
integrity 16
IPCC Intergovernmental Panel for Climate Change 16
IPBES Intergovernmental Science-Policy Platform on Biodiversity and Ecosystem Services 16
IUCN International Union for Conservation of Nature 12
IWC International Whaling Commission 12
intrinsic rate of population increase 11
iteroparity 7
JBO Japan Biodiversity Outlook 16
JFF joint fact-finding 10
jurisdictions 3
ki-mun-kamuy 13
Kobe plot 6
Lagrangian 7
land use change 8
landscape 16
lead poisoning 10
legitimacy 16
Leslie matrix 9
LCA life cycle assessment 10
life history parameter 9
life table 14
likelihood 14
line transect method 12
LNT Linear and non-threshold (model) 2
logarithmic likelihood 14
logistic growth 8
LOAEL lowest observed adverse effective level 3
MAB Man and the Biosphere 12
marine management plan 15
MPA marine protected area 15
matrix population model 9
maximum likelihood method 9
maximum sustainable ecosystem services 6
MSY maximum sustainable yield 6
measurement error 9
LC50 median lethal concentration 2
mercury 2
Millennium Ecosystem Assessment 1
Minamata disease 2
MVP minimum viable population 13
mitigation measures 16
monitoring 6
multi-disciplinary 15
Nash solution 6
national park 8
National Strategy for the Conservation and Sustainable Use of Biological Diversity 16
National Survey on the Natural Environment 16
natural disturbance 16
natural disturbance 14
natural fluctuation 6
natural monument 10
natural mortality coefficient 6
nature restoration 14
NCP nature’s contribution to people 15
Near Threatened 12
negative list 11
non point source 3
NOAEL non-observed adverse effective level 1
non-regret policy 7
nonylphenol 3
no-take zone 15
numerical goal 16
offshore wind farm 10
oligotrophic state 16
Olympic competition 6
open access 15
operating model 6
optimal fishing policy 6
option value 16
OUV outstanding universal value 15
overdispersion 9
overexploitation 8
overfished 6
overfishing 6
overwintering 10
participatory approach 16
passive restoration 14
POPs persistent organic pollutants 3
physiological longevity 7
point source 2
pollution 2
population dynamics 9
population persistence 13
PVA population viability analysis 8
population-level ecological risk 3
PHC5 population-level hazardous concentration of 5% species 3
positive list 11
post-verification 3
PBR potential biological removal 12
power selling price 10
precaution 1
precautionary principle 1
prevention 1
prior distribution 9
probabilistic risk 1
process error 9
protected area 8
provisioning service 1
public comment 8
public involvement 16
quality of life 14
QSAR quantitative structure-activity relationship 2
questionnaire 8
Ramsar Convention 15
recovery factor 12
recruitment overfishing 6
RPS recruitment per spawning stock biomass 6
Red List 7
regime shift 6
regulating service 1
regulatory science 16
release with advocative conditioning 13
RPS renewable portfolio standard 10
RCP representative concentration pathway 16
reproductive rate 11
reproductive value 7
resilience 16
resource economics 11
resource management 6
restoration ecology 16
RMP Revised Management Procedure 9
Rio Declaration 9
risk 1
risk assessment 1
risk communication 1
risk factor 1
risk management 1
risk tradeoff 10
risk-benefit analysis 2
safety coefficient 2
salmonid 14
sardine 6
satoumi 15
Satoyama (Hilled Rural Area) 1
scenario 1
scientific committee 16
scientific knowledge 10
screening 10
seagrass bed 12
security 1
semelparity 7
sensitivity 2
shadow price 5
sika deer 9
Simon Levin's 8 commandments 16
snow crab 6
SSP socio-economic pathway 16
solar power 10
southern bluefin tuna 6
spatial distribution 11
SPR spawning per recruit 6
SSB spawning stock biomass 6
SDM species distribution model 12
species extinction 1
species replacement 6
SSD species sensitivity distribution 3
spotlight survey 9
spring cull of brown bears 13
stakeholders involvement 15
state space model 9
Steller sea lion 12
stock recovery 6
stock-recruitment relationship 6
subsistence whaling 12
succession 14
succession 14
super-Malthusian population increase 1
GHQ Supreme Commander for the Allied Occupation of Japan 15
survival rate 6
SDGs sustainable development goals 16
sustainable fishery 6
sustainable use 16
TURFs territorial user rights for fisheries 15
The Chronicles of Japan 15
the tragedy of the commons 6
threatened 12
three major fishing grounds in the world 15
threshold model 2
TDI tolerance limit of daily intake 1
ton of oil equivalence 10
TAC total allowable catch 6
TEK traditional ecological knowledge 15
tragedy of the commons 16
transdisciplinary 15
transparency 16
TBT tribtyltin 2
Trihalomethane 2
trophic level 15
Tuljapurkar 13
type I error 1
type II error 1
UN Framework Convention on Climate Change 16
uncertainty 1
uncertainty factor 3
unconscious introduction 11
UNCLOS United Nations Convention Law of the Sea 6
VSL value of statistical (or probabilistic) life 5
vascular plants 8
von Bertalanffy's growth curve 7
vulnerable 12
wen-kamuy 13
white noise 8
white-fronted geese 10
white-tailed eagle 10
wildlife management 9
Wildlife Protection and Hunting Law 9
WTP willingness-to-pay 5
wind power generation 10
Aichi Expo World Exposition 8
world natural heritage 12
WWF World Wildlife Fund for Nature 10
Yellowstone National Park 13
yezo deer 9
YPR yield per recruit 7
zero risk 2
zinc 3

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